
I was invited to teach an Associate Boot Camp in Chicago this November. I was going to decline, because I'd have to be away on Naomi's birthday. But instead, I am going to bring Naomi with me and we are going to stay the weekend in Chicago.

We'll stay at a beautiful hotel, the Hotel Burnham, on the Magnificent Mile right off Michigan Avenue. The Hotel is across the street from Marshall Field's. Chicago now has a lot of chocolate cafes, and we're going to find one. We're going to catch a matinee showing of Wicked, a play about the early friendship of the witches on the Wizard of Oz. It's going to be November, and we are going to freeze our California patooties off. We might go outdoor ice skating. We'll go to church at a ginormous beautiful old cathedral. We'll eat Chicago hot dogs, and pizza. We might run around and do a variety of other things too, but those are some of the highlights.

I just can't wait. I've been to Chicago a bajillion times for work, because our headquarters is there, but seldom for fun. It's a great town for fun. When Jessica turned nine, I had to go to Chicago on her birthday to do some testing for a database program that was being programmed. I took her with me and there were all these crazy painted cows all over town. It was during the internet boom, and I assumed I'd do another business trip soon and take Naomi. However, our firm stopped all unnecessary travel and training, and I never got to take Naomi. Now, she'll finally get her chance.