Fiscal cliff: what happens if the bush tax cuts expire? - abc news, Former united states president george w. bush smiles as he watches a baseball game between the detroit tigers and the texas rangers, friday, aug. 10, 2012.
Obama proposes end to bush-era tax breaks for wealthy - marketwatch, Washington (marketwatch) -- facing a gaping deficit but aiming to spur job creation at the same time, president barack obama's fiscal year 2011 budget would hit top.
Tax professionals prepare for expiring tax breaks in 2013, There is growing concern that the tax breaks expiring at the end of 2012 could create a fiscal crisis and derail the recovery efforts. federal reserve chairman ben.
Bush tax cuts - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, The phrase bush tax cuts refers to changes to the united states tax code passed originally during the presidency of george w. bush and extended during the presidency.
Potential 2013 tax rates with bush-obama tax cuts expiration | tax, Potential 2013 tax rates. what will happen to tax rates in 2013? this is a question many american tax payers will be asking through 2012 as the presidential election.
Allowing high-income bush tax cuts to expire would affect few, By chye-ching huang and chuck marr allowing high-income bush tax cuts to expire would affect few small businesses.
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