Did Federal Taxes Raise in 2013

2013 gs pay raise for federal civilian workers | government, Tweet; sharebar [jan 2013 update following fiscal cliff deal and executive order] the fiscal cliff deal passed in congress and brokered by vice president joe biden.
Obama’s claim that he did not raise taxes is rejected as, (cnsnews.com) – president obama’s assertion on sunday that he “didn’t raise taxes once” is “blatantly false,” a taxpayer watchdog group says..
Did reagan raise taxes? let gop candidates answer - yahoo! news, Did reagan raise taxes? let gop candidates answer joe conason's column is released once a week. by joe conason | joe conason – thu, jan 5, 2012.

The Debt Ceiling and the Fourteenth Amendment » Tea Party Tribune

Will federal employees get a pay raise in 2013? - fedsmith.com, Will federal employees receive a raise in 2013? the most accurate answer is no one knows but there are reasons for optimism. there is a good chance that federal.
U.s. federal individual income tax rates history, 1913-2013, U.s. federal individual income tax rates history, 1913-2013 (nominal and inflation-adjusted brackets).
How the fiscal cliff would raise your taxes - yahoo! finance, The white house estimates that the average american family will pay $2,200 more in taxes next year if an agreement is not reached. in fact, the final tally.
