iowa unemployment extension 2013 news releases

Unemployment extension 2013, Information on unemployment benefits that will be in place for 2013..
Talks of obama's 2012 unemployment extension could have its own, From yahoo! news: according to, obama's 2012 extension of unemployment for another 13 months may help the jobless americans in.
Local area unemployment statistics home page, Regional and state employment and unemployment (monthly) january 18, 2013 in december, 22 states reported over-the-month unemployment rate decreases, 16 states and.

Unemployment rates for states, P = preliminary. note: rates shown are a percentage of the labor force. data refer to place of residence. estimates for the current month are subject to revision the.
Majority of senate democrats back federal unemployment extension, A majority of senate democrats are backing a yearlong extension of federal unemployment benefits that are set to expire at the end of the year. sen. jack reed (r.i.
Business news, personal finance and money news - abc news, Find the latest business news on wall street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on abc news.
