list of tax increases in 2012

Fact sheet: maryland tax and fee increases 2007-2012, Year tax/fee increase source revenues; 2012 special session: income tax – personal exemption phase-out – new rates at specified income levels: sb 1302 fiscal note.
Tax increases list scheduled for 2013 | workers blog, Tax increases looming in 2013 | taxsquad – burlingame, ca tax, without congressional action before the end of the year, just about everyone, rich and poor alike.
Americans for tax reform : comprehensive list of obama tax increases, The taxpayer protection pledge. atr asks every candidate for elected office on the state and federal level to make a written commitment to their constituents to.

 just barely make it into the highest tax brackets and no matter what

Americans for tax reform : full list of obamacare tax hikes, Taxpayers are reminded that the president’s healthcare law is one of the largest tax increases in american history. obamacare contains 20 new or higher taxes on.
Indian budget 2012-13 increases service tax rate from 10% to 12%, The indian finance minister mr. pranab mukherjee has amended tax rates in the finance budget 2012 - 2013, as in the same way he as increased the service tax rate with.
David koch: 'some tax increases' may be needed to reduce u.s. deficit, David koch told politico on thursday that backing away from the fiscal cliff may "require some tax increases.".
