When Iss the Irs Accepting Efiled Returns 2013

Will there be a irs refund cycle chart for 2013? - yahoo! answers, Best answer: irs states refunds will be delayed and refund cycle chart discontinued “when can i expect to receive my refund?” is the most frequently.
Where's my refund money? irs income tax refund dates for 2013., Tax refund status and irs tax refund dates for 2013 tax refund date tool: estimate your 2013 tax refund date (2012 tax return) efile and bank direct deposit is the.
Will the irs accept my tax return if i e-filed 1/10/2012? - yahoo, Why wasn't mine accepted? my return was accepted today as well from the irs. the irs system opened for production at 9:00 am, eastern time on jan.

Irs tax refund delay for 2013 - my dollar plan - tax, retirement, Find out information on the 2013 tax refund delay..
When does e-file start for 2013? - rapidtax blog, In 2013 the irs starts accepting e-filed tax returns a week later than in previous years. update: the irs recently announced that it plans to open the 2013 filing.
How soon can we efile 2013 taxes? | qqfanyong, Anyone have the dates for 2013 efiling irs? best answser:max hoopla:towards the end of january 2014. by bash limpbutt's oozing cyst©:sometime in january of 2014.you.
