why is it taking so long to process my 2013 tax refund

What does it mean if my federal tax return status is pending - tax, Wild answer: where we go wild to answer your questions! join our community and make new friends today.
How long does it take to process injured spouse tax form? | irs, We filed injured spouse about 8 weeks ago because they took all of our tax return for child support that my husband owed. i brought in the majority of our income last.
Irs tax refund delay for 2013 - my dollar plan - tax, retirement, Find out information on the 2013 tax refund delay..

Why do banks take so long to approve a short sale? - rain city guide, This question comes up over and over again from realtors, homeowners and homebuyers everywhere i go. a one sentence answer doesn’t exist for this question..
Can i get a tax refund advance similar to a payday loan, and if so, Best answer: check it out here. it’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. it will definitely help you. have a look. http://payday-loan.
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