civilian hiring freeze 2013

Panetta orders civilian hiring freeze, contract delays - defense, The pentagon will begin to take “prudent measures” in the coming weeks to prepare for a possible perfect storm of budget cuts, defense secretary leon panetta said.
Air force implements civilian hiring freeze, 1/17/2013 - washington (afns) -- air force senior leaders directed a force-wide hiring freeze among other workforce actions in a memorandum sent to senior commanders.
Hiring freeze hits air force's civilian work force -- defense systems, Hiring freeze hits air force's civilian work force. by william welsh; jan 17, 2013; the air force has established a force-wide, temporary civilian personnel hiring.

January 2013

Navy orders layoffs of thousands of temps, issues civilian hiring, The chief of u.s. navy operations has directed top officers to begin implementing budget cuts, including laying off thousands of temporary employees, according to the.
Air force implements civilian hiring freeze, By staff sgt. david salanitri air force public affairs agency 1/18/2013 - washington -- air force senior leaders directed a force-wide hiring freeze among other.
Air force implements civilian hiring freeze, Air force implements civilian hiring freeze - washington (afns) - air force senior leaders directed a force-wide hiring freeze among other workforce actions in a.
