Nj, new jersey unemployment tax rate for 2012, 2013, Unemployment insurance is a federal-state program financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes. the new jersey unemployment tax rate has increased to 3.3.
New jersey property taxes - property tax rates for 2013, The median new jersey property tax is $6,579.00, with exact property tax rates varying by location and county..
U.s. federal individual income tax rates history, 1913-2013, U.s. federal individual income tax rates history, 1913-2013 (nominal and inflation-adjusted brackets).
New jersey | tax foundation, Weekly map: state spirits excise tax rates. this week's map shows state excise tax rates on spirits. click on the map to enlarge it. to download this data as a.
2013 individual income tax rates, standard deductions, personal, 30-jan-13 2013 individual income tax rates, standard deductions, personal exemptions, and filing thresholds but not but not € over --- €€€€ over.
New jersey – sales tax rate table | taxrates.com, Five digit zip code rate table free download! this is the new jersey state sales tax rates, broken out by individual zip codes. new jersey state rates may change.