how long is it taking to get tax refunds for 2013

How long does it take to get tax return from hr block - how long, Confederaterose24 said: if you are paying for an 8-14 day "rapid" refund you are getting jipped hon! we used to go that route, but for the past three years i have.
Internal revenue service, Irs forms and publications, hot topics, tools, news, filing and payments, refunds, credits and deductions, help and resources.
2013 tax filing deadline and due dates – when you can file 2012, 2013 tax filing deadline and due dates – when you can file 2012 tax returns and get your refund. 45 comments.

 isthe irs direct deposit schedule for 2013 how long are tax returns

Red oak tax refunds blog | latest news on income tax, tax refunds, Do i get tax back for payments to drug payment scheme? the dps means the amount you have to pay for drugs for your family if you don't have a medical card is max'ed.
Income tax refund in 2013, E-file your 2012 income tax today to get your refund back early! the i.r.s will begin processing returns this wednesday. file now to get your return back by as early.
Tax increases list scheduled for 2013 | workers blog, Tax increases looming in 2013 | taxsquad – burlingame, ca tax, without congressional action before the end of the year, just about everyone, rich and poor alike.
