American Idol's Dirty Castro Conspiracy

Now I'm going to be talking about the grassy knoll. And Area 52. And how the government invented cancer.

Dear friends, I have reviewed the Tivos. And have come to the conclusion that indeed, the AI judges were conspiring to get Jason Castro voted off the show.

We know the unnecessarily harsh criticisms. We know how Paula, in "Paulagate," judged Jason's second song harshly before he even sang it. We know how Simon says no one could possibly do Bob Marley. (Well, I was thinking Bob Marley, yeah!) And we know how Randy would be so angry and critical at Jason...when David Archuleta had previously forgotten the lyrics on 2 songs, and 1 group song (RENT - hello, Naomi caught that one).

Yes dear friends, I am afraid that the American Idol machine was afraid of the Castronauts - the gazillion fans out there who love Jason Castro. Who is not the Clay Aiken of Season 7. But he certainly is the Jack Johnson of Season 7. Or the Brad Paisley, or Kenny Loggins, or ... well, I am not sure. But there is a real charm to the boy. The way he perseveres in the wake of everyone judging him very harshly, and laughing at himself, and joking around...just very nice. I could see other contestants crying at the mean comments directed towards him.

And here is a little known fact: he is a smartypants. I have read somewhere on a forum that he had an SAT score of 1340 (higher than mine), and was on an academic scholarship to Texas A&M. For some of the more interesting interviews with Jason, past his hair and the "vote, vote" controversy, take a look at EW's Idolatry interviews with Jason by Michael Slezak - who actually knows the show and gets Jason:

So on this first week sans Jason, I have to say that Archuleta did fine, Cookie did his usual excellent job, Syesha...yeesha, and it was all very serious and stressful looking at the contestants without the pleasant little break of Jason, who seemed to give a little lightheartedness to the show. He could joke, and laugh at himself, not care about winning, and always be a little island of peace. Now watching AI is like watching ER or CSI:NY or something with all the stress of the contestants.

In the end, Jason had the top iTunes download with "Hallelujah." And has already sold a whole lot of t-shirts. I'm sure his album will do quite well. Perhaps he will be - more than Ruben Studdard, or Taylor Hicks, or Katherine McPhee, or Fantasia - the commercial succcess that American Idol seeks to breed.

We still love and watch the show, but it's a hollow shell of its dredlocked former self without the charm of Jason, the guy you knew wouldn't win but didn't care.

Too bad he was targeted to leave, because the judges were so intent on having a David/David showdown. Because Jason just may have been loved enough to unseat one of the Davids.

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